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Marvel studios producer Kevin Feige addresses the new Avengers scene rumour

I was able to have a quick word with Marvel studios producer Kevin Feige at tonight’s European premiere of The Avengers (aka Avengers Assemble).  There has been much about the statements Robert Downey Jr made at last week’s press conference for the world premiere.  Downey claimed they were set to shoot an additional scene that night, but there was no follow-up information.

Marvel Studios producer Kevin Feige talks The Avengers with Jonathan Ross

So after much speculation within the online film community, my goal today was to shed some light on what Downey was talking about.  Here’s Feige’s response:

“I will tell you this: It was not a scene. It was not a scene.  There’s little things.  It’s been blown out of proportion.  Which is fun, I like that things are blown out of proportion. Sometimes they’re true sometimes they’re not.”

Asked if there will be any changes made to the current cut of The Avengers, Feige replied:

“There is the potential that there will be one little change.  People might not even notice it.  It’s not a big thing.”

That would seem to end the fan boy fantasies about a Ben Kingsley related Iron Man 3 set up.  Unless, of course, Feige is purposely downplaying the situation.  My money is on the former.

Avengers honcho Kevin Feige at the European premiere in London

Be sure to check out my spoiler-free review of Marvel’s The Avengers